當時的寮屋區沒有街燈,也沒有任何公共基建。我們還訪問了卡加利大學人類學系的榮休教授Alan Smart。他自1980年代起就研究殖民地政府對香港寮屋區的政策和管治。直到1970年代,政府都對這些寮屋區採取故意忽視的態度,以免鼓勵更多人遷入寮屋區佔地建屋。然而,政府沒有提供的公共設施,卻被黑社會勢力乘虛而入。1960年代,黑社會開始在寮屋區經營非法水電接駁的生意,並會收費搭建木屋。他們甚至提供售後保證——如果政府的督察人員在木屋完工之前發現並拆除木屋,顧客可獲退款。
Alan Smart, The Shek Kip Mei Myth: Squatters, Fires and Colonial Rule in Hong Kong, 1950-1963 (石硤尾神話:寮屋、火災和殖民統治下的香港,1950年至1963年), Hong Kong University Press, 2006.
Alan Smart and Fung Chi Keung Charles, Hong Kong Public and Squatter Housing: Geopolitics and Informality, 1963-85 (香港的公共房屋與寮屋:地緣政治與非正規化,一九六三至一九八五), Hong Kong University Press, 2023.
Alan Smart, “Agents of Eviction: The Squatter Control and Clearance Division of Hong Kong’s Housing Department”, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, v. 23 i. 3, 2002, pp. 333-347.
Eastern District Office, “Conversion of usage of huts in Ngar Choi Hang Village as at 1982.6.1”, handwritten memo, Hong Kong Government, 1 June 1982, HKRS1443-5-9, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Author unknown, 大坑建廉租屋邨木屋居民將徙置石排灣咸田秀茂坪任擇, 20 January 1969, HKRS70-1-452-134, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Operations Branch, Housing Department, “Report on Squatter Area Improvements 1982”, 1982, HKRS 755-1-3, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Eastern District Office, “Re: Tai Hang District,” 17 November 1969, in “Problems in Tai Hang (Eastern District)”, HKRS413-4-16, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Working Party on Electrification of Squatter Areas, “Report of the Working Party on Electrification of Squatter Areas”, Hong Kong Government, 1975-81, HKRS 755-1-3, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
J. C. McDouall (Social Welfare Officer), “Enclosure 1, Report on Squatters Dated 8.11.50 by S. W. O.,” 8 November 1950, HKRS 163-1-1231, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
C. B. Burgess (Deputy Colonial Secretary), Memorandum to Colonial Secretary John Fearns Nicoll, 14 December 1949, HKRS 163-1-1231, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
William James Gorman (Chief Officer, Fire Brigade), “Memorandum: Squatter Fire, Kowloon City & Existing Risk”, 12 January 1950, HKRS 163-1-1231, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Staff writer, “Squatters Mob Officials,” The China Mail, 9 April 1970.
Staff writer, “Reds Wooing Squatters,” The Star, 20 May 1970.
Government Records Service, “Squatter settlement above Tai Hang Road, 4 December 1963/ 大坑道附近山坡上的寮屋區, 攝於 1963 年 12 月 4 日,” (photo), Call No. 01-13-373, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Government Records Service, Shek Kip Mei Resettlement Estate (photos) in “Hawker Control–Hawker Control in Group B Estates”, 1967-79, HKRS309-1-5, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Government Records Service, “Wah Fu Estate (1968)”, (video) Ref No. 0016-E017, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Government Records Service, “An aerial view of the construction of On Ting Estate and Yau Oi Estate,” (photo) c.1970s, X1000188, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Government Records Service, “Tai Hing Estate”, (photo) 1980, 306.34095125 HON, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Government Records Service, panoramic photograph of Bayview hillside in “Bay View Hillside Squatter Areas–Proposed footpath to Facilitate Police Action Against Drug Activities in the…”, (photo) 1969/70, HKRS 156-2-4056, Government Records Service, HKSAR Government.
Information Services Department, “Fire at Diamond Hill”, 3699-9, 12 July 1965, Information Services Department, HKSAR Government.
Information Services Department, “Standpipe”, 395-001, 1 June 1958, Information Services Department, HKSAR Government.
Survey and Mapping Office, Digital Orthophotos 63_7456 2 February 1963, 07026 12 February 1973, A03746 6 December 1985, CN18537 13 November 1997, CW83503 26 August 2009, Lands Department Open Data, HKSAR Government.
M.C. Tang, “Report on the Rainstorm of May 1982—Geo Report No. 25”, (plates 2 and 6), 1982, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong Government.
Anonymous, “Lin Fa Kung Street West”, c.1950s, 歷史時空 Facebook Group.
Michael Rogge, “Hong Kong Squatters in 1962,” YouTube.
Michael Rogge, “Hong Kong squatter village fire 1953,” YouTube.
“Street hawkers 路邊小販”, 1940s, FF-DBW-0955, Frank Fischbeck Collection, University of Hong Kong Libraries.
“Shek Kip Mei Fire 石硤尾大火”, 1953, FF-DBW-107, Frank Fischbeck Collection, University of Hong Kong Libraries.
“Governor Sir Murray MacLehose 港督麥理浩爵士”, 1970s, FF-DBW-1334, Frank Fischbeck Collection, University of Hong Kong Libraries.
“Plea for Homes” (photo), The Star, 20 January 1970.
“Give us more time to move” (photo), The Star, 15 October 1970.
“Dragged from home” (photo), The China Mail, 12 January 1970.
“Squalid squatter area & resettlement block” (photos), The Star, 26 April 1969.
“Resettlement workers silhouetted against the sky as they commence work,” (photo), South China Morning Post, 13 January 1970.